Corporate Division

Corporate and Contract Division

MP, LLC. is known for our stabilizing and development components. Our strategy is to provide a solid team to assist the workforce of each company, securing the company’s desired financial and economic results. We offer training, products, resources, and printing/publishing options. Our staff will customize our services to fit your company’s needs. A few of our most requested options are:

  • Developing your company materials, books, manuals, handouts, and products.
  • Customizing our company’s training and development resources with your company logo. Our wide range of training courses include customer service, time management, profit enhancement, and leadership classes just to name a few.
  • Build a Fresh Perspective with an innovative website.
  • Produce marketing/advertising materials: media (audio, video, musical), banners, conference booths, or anything you can dream of. You can even utilize our catalog of materials to celebrate an employee, a corporate milestone, or build internal momentum to produce your desired results.

Publishing Packages

Our publishing packages are designed to cover the essentials of publishing. However, you may have specific requirements and desires for your book. Whatever the purpose for your book – whether it’s to share your personal story with friends and family, or to market your book and touch the lives of readers across the nation, as an Unlock Publishing House author you gain access to many professional services to help you create the book you envision.